6 Kasım 2012 Salı

Year of the Snake

               THE YEAR OF THE SNAKE - 02/10/2013 - 01/30/2014 (Water)

  Year of the Snake, which begins on February 10, 2013 and ends on January 30, 2014. The Snake is the sixth sign of the Chinese Zodiac, which consists of 12 Animal Signs. It is the enigmatic, intuitive, introspective, refined and collected of the Animals Signs. Ancient Chinese wisdom says a Snake in the house is a good omen because it means that your family will not starve. People born in the Year of the Snake are keen and cunning, quite intelligent and wise. They are great mediators and good at doing business. Therefore, you should have good luck if you were born in the Year of the Snake.

Chinese New Year at Trafalgar Square
Start the Year of the Snake with the celebrations for Chinese New Year at Trafalgar Square. Featuring traditional dances, cultural stalls, fireworks and stunning live performances, the Trafalgar Square events will draw in a large crowd from many different cultures. Actually part of a larger series of events on the 10th February which also take place throughout Shaftesbury Avenue and Chinatown, the Chinese New Year at Trafalgar Square celebrations include a live show by Chinese performance artists and dancers. Central London will come alive with Chinese culture in a celebration marking the beginning of a new year.

Celebrations in Trafalgar Square

Those celebrating the Chinese New Year at Trafalgar Square will first of all be be treated to a colourful parade, which starts at the square at 10.15am and winds its way through Chinatown before ending on Rupert Street at 11.30am. Expect to see a dazzling array of floats as the parade passes by, with everything from dragons to giant mythical goddesses on show

Performances on stage

After the parade finishes, Trafalgar Square once again becomes a hive of activity as the Mayor of London and the President of Chinatown take part in the Dotting of the Eye ceremony, which brings all the dragons and lions to life. 100 performances are taking to the main stage for an afternoon of spectacular entertainment as Chinese dragons, lions and acrobats dance and perform to impress the crowds. There will also be ethnic songs to give everyone a taste of Chinese culture and traditions. The day ends with a special fireworks display at 5.40pm.

19 Ocak 2012 Perşembe

Chinese New Year 2012

22 Ocak Gecesi, Çin Takvimine göre yeni yıl kutlanacak. Yeni Yılın ilk günü 23 Ocak..Bu tarihler benim içinde çok önemli çünkü bende 22 Ocak'da yeni yaşımı kutlayacağım hatta yeni bir yaşın ötesinde yeni bir devir başlıyor.. Çin takvimi Ejderha yılına girerken bende ejderha kadar büyük 40 yaşına giriyorum. ( 40 yaşın ejderhalığı büyüklüğünden mütevellit )    
Efenim gelelim Ejderha yılının faydalarına;
Ejderha yılı Çin Takvimindeki 5. burç ve Gücü, İyi Şansı, Başarıya ve Mutluluğu temsil ediyor ayrıca takvimdeki tek gerçekde olmayan burç özelliğini taşımakda. Çin Takviminde Yeni Yıl Kutlaması, güzel bir yemek daveti ile  ailece biraraya gelmeyi ve birbirine şans parası vermeyle başlıyor. Ardından sokaklara çıkılıyor aslan dansı, ejderha dansı ve Çin kültürüne ait danslarla devam ediliyor ve akşamında havai fişek gösterileri kutlamaları süslüyor. Katılmak isterseniz diye düşündüm, çok da eğlenceli geçiceğine dair bir dolu yazı okudum. Ben katılmayı düşünüyorum, güzel de bir doğum gunu kutlamış olurum;
Nerde mi ? hemen onuda söyleyim, China Town Londra, Trafalgar Square 'de 23 Ocak-29 Ocak ve 6 Şubat'ta gösteriler var. 29 Ocak'daki havai fişekli ve Ejderha danslı

Chinese New Year Timings
•10.15am: Parade starts on Rupert Street
•11.30am: Parade finishes on Rupert Street
•12 noon: Opening ceremony on main stage in Trafalgar Square
•12 noon-5.40pm: Display by more than 100 performers, including the Chen Brothers
•5.40pm: Fireworks finale in Trafalgar Square
